How to Create a Virtual Learning Station
Dear readers – I created this homework station a few years ago for my young daughter. Now that may of us are wading into virtual learning in 2020, I wanted to update this post to provide tips for creating a virtual learning station. Whether you are doing school virtually or heading into school, having a dedicated work station at home is so helpful. Read on to see how you can make your own DIY schoolwork station in minutes with a cart, a few storage baskets, and some fun chalkboard labels. It’s portable too!
Supplies for Homework or Virtual Learning Station
- Desk or table (large enough for computer if doing virtual learning)
- Headphones (especially for virtual learning)
- Rolling Cart
- Small storage baskets
- Dry erase labels
- Dry erase calendar
How to Make a Homework Station
1. Carve out a dedicated spot
I found this vintage school desk at the Goodwill last fall and gave it a fun makeover with vinyl. I set it near our kitchen table overlooking the backyard. That way Stella could have her own desk rather than working on the dining table, and by keeping it in the kitchen I could still help her with questions while I’m making dinner. Determine where your child works best, whether it is at the kitchen table or at a desk in their room and make that the dedicated schoolwork spot each day.
Tips for virtual learning station:
- Having a quiet spot for your child to take Zoom calls is especially important. If possible and age-appropriate, try to find a separate room for each of your children (and you) to do your work. Whether carving out a corner in a bedroom, living room, or dining area.
- Check out this idea using foam core dividers to create separate workstations for multiple kids in the same room.
- A set of good headphones can help a lot, especially if multiple people are working nearby.
- Comfortable seating at the right height is key for virtual learning since your child will be in front of the computer for long stretches at a time. These adjustable IKEA desk chairs work well for my daughters.
2. Add a cart
The desk looked a little lonely and out of place by itself, but the addition of the cart establishes this spot as the schoolwork nook! A cart similar to this metal cart is an incredibly versatile storage piece. The best part is you can easily roll it to wherever you need it. If you don’t have a cart, a small bookcase or even a kitchen cabinet dedicated to homework supplies would work.
Tips for virtual learning station:
- Supply needs may be more limited for virtual learning beyond the computer and something to write with. But a cart filled with new school supplies can still create that same sense of excitement that you get when you shop for fresh school supplies each year.
- The supply cart is also a good opportunity to have some books and art supplies nearby for your child to keep busy with during downtime between Zoom sessions.
3. Corral the school supplies
Use smaller baskets and containers to keep school supplies organized within the cart. A pair of colorful plastic totes fit perfectly on each shelf. I further divided them using empty soup cans to hold colored pencils and markers.
One thing I realized after Stella went to kindergarten last year is to take advantage of the back-to-school sales and stock up on supplies for the year for a fraction of the price. I buy multiple packs of crayons, markers, pencils, and glue because it is amazing how fast we run through them in our house, and Stella will often need to refresh her supplies at school too.
4. Labels make everything better!
I love labels because they give the illusion of being organized, whether you actually are or not! I’m hoping these chalkboard labels will help my daughters put their supplies back where they belong, and I can always change them up as needed.
5. Have ample workspace
This school desk is the perfect size for Stella to work at, and has some extra built-in storage for papers and notebooks. If your child is older and uses big text books and a computer, make sure you have ample workspace for them to work comfortably.
Tips for virtual learning station:
- Make sure there is enough room for your child’s computer and space on the side for them to write. Consider helping them mix up their workspace by giving them a lap desk or a clipboard to work on in a comfy chair between Zoom sessions.
6. Stay organized with a calendar
This chalkboard weekly calendar is a removable wall decal. So handy! I used chalkboard markers to write down some important deadlines throughout the week.
Tips for virtual learning station:
- If your kids are like mine, they have a complex schedule in 15-30 minute increments with a mix of class time together over Zoom and independent work time. I found it helpful to print out their schedule and post it by their workspace, highlighting when the times when they need to be on Zoom with their class.
- I also bought them these small digital kitchen timers so if they have a break between sessions they can make sure they don’t lose track of time and get back online when they are supposed to.
- Some form of alarm bell or reminder that pops up on their computer may also help them stay on schedule without parents having to closely supervise. We’re still trying to work this one out real time!
7. Get to work!
Now that your homework station is all set up, it’s time to get to work! We’ll give this a test run with Stella’s first homework assignment this afternoon. 😉
Like this virtual learning station idea?
Then don’t miss my school lunch station!
This post is sponsored by At Home as part of their At Home Inspiration Team.
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