God’s Eyes: A Fun Yarn and Pom-Pom Kids Craft!

How to make God's eyes #godseyes #ojodedios #kidsyarncrafts #yarncrafts

How to Make God’s Eyes

When our family took a trip to Los Cabos, Mexico over Christmas, I spotted the most amazing thing at our hotel – a tree full of colorful yarn decorations known as “Ojo de Dios” or God’s Eyes. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen! I had seen simpler versions of them made as kids crafts before, and decided I wanted to try to make my own with Stella and Hazel when we got home. We made these with supplies from Oriental Trading, and the addition of pom-poms are my favorite touch! Read on to see more of my latest kids project with Oriental Trading and see the tree that inspired this fun craft.

Here I am, in front of the tree of my dreams! Isn’t it so colorful and beautiful?

After seeing these God’s Eyes or Ojo de Dios, I read up on them and discovered that they were first made by the Huichol Indians in Mexico hundreds of years ago to watch over and protect them while they prayed. It is a symbol of the power of seeing and understanding unseen things. In recent times they have become a popular project for kids because they are so simple to make.

How to make God's Eyes (Ojo de Dios) - such a fun kids craft idea! #godseyes #ojodedios #kidscraft

How to Make God’s Eyes

Our God’s Eyes are a simpler take on this beautiful craft, using large popsicle sticks at the base and a variety of colorful yarn, including some variegated yarn to wrap them with. Once you get the wrapping technique down, it is really simple, and quite therapeutic to make these. Head here for the step-by-step-tutorial

How to make God's Eyes (Ojo de Dios) - such a fun kids craft idea! #godseyes #ojodedios #kidscraft

I always love finding projects that my daughters and I can have fun doing together. Once you get them started they don’t require much hands-on help. You can whip one up in a few minutes. Even Hazel, my six year old, got the hang of it and made several of her own. Stella made the gorgeous rainbow colored one below. Leave it to Stella to make hers in rainbow order! 

How to make God's Eyes (Ojo de Dios) - such a fun kids craft idea! #godseyes #ojodedios #kidscraft
How to make God's Eyes

Like these God’s Eyes? Then don’t miss my other Easy Yarn Craft Ideas!

Easy yarn craft ideas

Want to try making these? Head to Fun365.com for the step-by-step God’s Eyes tutorial and a full list of supplies! 

Oriental Trading sponsored this post.

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One Comment

  1. Love the Ojo de Dios!! I’ve been looking to buy some, but I Love the idea of making my own!!
    Thank you again!!! Their Beautiful!💚

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